Holidaze are here now, Are You?
Checking in with myself today I found it difficult to be in the present moment. The daze of the holidays begin. My mind and heart kept jumping to the holiday dates ahead as I felt more and more tightness in my solar plexus and throat chakras. I know I have a history of perfection overtaking my holiday experience so…..
it is time to find the voice power and identify with clarity what feels joyful and what feels burdensome. I begin with some reflection on last years season. My journal reminds me when January 2nd rolled around I loved giving simple presents, having family participate in meal preparation and enjoying the extra time not having a holiday party afforded me. I also noted I wished I had a bit more sleep and nutritional energy snacks. I’m wondering if there are additional adjustments as I approach this year. I note those as well.
Boundaries and Acceptance will help me along. Letting go of Expectations will be essential as I recognize I am human, have limited resources and can make the choice on how I will use those resources. I can be loving and firm, less rigid and more accepting of myself and others. And yes, I will remember to breathe and pause when the tightness appears. Then smile and remind myself All is Well.