I Know Responsibility

I KNOW responsibility. Let me say that again. I KNOW responsibility. Do you? For many years we were best friends and it served me well. Responsibility kept me safe and secure. It helped me care for 3 younger siblings, pay for a college education, choose the perfect man and become a Mom. Responsibility served me well until it didn’t.

Being responsible also gave me the false belief that I was the be all end all, I knew best and I could do it better. Consequently, I believed those that didn’t put responsibility first were not worthy of my time. I was one tough cookie because being overly responsible required it. As you can imagine others often felt discounted, disconnected or invisible when my “best friend” was present.

The funny thing was so did I. It was time for my true self to have a talk with my best friend. I had to let responsibility know how grateful I was to have her in my life and thank her for the years of security and safety. I assured responsibility there would be times I would call on her to be the driving force in a situation and I was confident she would be there. I also had to let her know responsibility requires a toughness, an abruptness only the courageous can bear and only the courageous can let go of. Responsibility required me to be a busy body in everyones busyness so I could take care of things even before they had to be taken care of….Really ?? Yes, really.

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